Review session of the ASEAN Regional Program on Disaster Management |
The ASEAN Experts Group on Disaster Management, in its 12th biennial meeting from 16-18 September 2002 in Hanoi, Vietnam, endorsed the ASEAN Regional Program on Disaster Management (ARPDM), which outlines regional strategies, priority areas and activities in disaster management within the framework of regional cooperation among ASEAN Member Countries.
The ARPDM was developed by Member Countries in March 2002 with technical assistance from ADPC in a workshop jointly organized by the ASEAN Secretariat and ADPC, and with funding support from the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO). APRDM has five components with corresponding sub-components:
1. Cooperation among Member Countries
- Establishment of ASEAN Response Action Plan
- Enhancing quick response capacities of ASEAN Member Countries
- ASEAN joint simulation exercises for disaster relief
- Technical cooperation projects on earthquake vulnerability reduction; flash flood, landslide, sea and river erosion preparedness and mitigation; dissemination of flood early warning; safety of children in flood-prone areas; typhoon and cyclone preparedness; and early warning system for forest fire management
2. Capacity Building
- ASEAN Disaster Management Training Institutes Network
- Specialized disaster management training on risk, damage and needs assessment; urban collapsed structure search and rescue; forest fire fighting; refresher courses and expertise development; and management of disaster stress and behavior
3. Sharing of Information and Resources
- ASEAN disaster information sharing and communication network (ASEAN DISCNet), which includes the development of AEGDM and ASEAN NDMO websites; inventory of disaster management experts (“brain bank”) and equipment; and ASEAN Hazard and Vulnerability Mapping
- Research and development and dissemination of good practice
- Improved use of climate and weather forecasting
4. Engaging External Partnerships
- Supporting community-based disaster management projects
- Partnerships with international agencies and NGOs
- Mobilizing financial support and resources
5. Public Education, Awareness and Advocacy
- ASEAN Day for Disaster Reduction
- Integration of disaster management in school curricula in ASEAN Member Countries
- Enhanced disaster management public education and awareness programs in ASEAN Member Countries
- Mainstreaming disaster management into development plans of ASEAN Member Countries
The regional program has integrated all other AEGDM projects. The meeting also discussed implementation strategies proposed by the ASEAN Secretariat:
- Implementing on a cost-shared basis
- Opening participation in ongoing national or regional activities to other ASEAN Member Countries
- Utilizing available expertise in the region
- Establishing a regional network of focal points with a separate secretariat to coordinate activities
- Coordinating with ongoing work undertaken by regional partners, and
- Obtaining technical and funding support from interested donors and Dialogue Partners.
As AEGDM takes on its new identity as the ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management, its work will also take on a programmatic direction under the overall framework of the ASEAN Regional Program on Disaster Management.