

46th Regional Training Course on Disaster Management

Duration: 1 Nov 2016 - 30 Nov 2016

Department: ACD

Donor Agency:  

Location: Thailand,



The Asia-Pacific region continues to face human tragedy and heavy economic losses from disasters – the frequency and intensity of which have escalated in recent years. The Indian Ocean Tsunami and the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami; recent earthquakes in Kashmir, China and New Zealand; cyclone Nargis; typhoon Haiyan; the floods in Pakistan and Thailand; and the Afghanistan blizzards highlight the level of devastation that disasters can bring to the region.

This training course aims to provide necessary and useful fundamental knowledge and skills in disaster risk management in order to enhance the capabilities of disaster managers who wish to reduce the impact of disastrous events in communities.

The topics covered cut across multi-hazard, multilevel, multi-agency, and multi-disciplinary facets, and address both event-related activities as well as those activities that need to be undertaken on a daily basis in order to mitigate the impact of natural hazards.


Upon completition of the course, participants will have a sound grasp of disaster risk management processes and will be able to:

-? Discuss the basic concepts, terminology and models of disaster risk management

-? Identify and assess disaster risks using a risk management approach

-? Plan and develop effective strategies and systems for disaster risk reduction

-? Develop effective processes for preparedness planning in order to improve disaster response and recovery programs

-? Effectively and efficiently set up and utilize an emergency coordination center to manage disaster events

-? Set up an incident command system to a given scenario

-? Discuss disaster recovery frameworks and policies appropriate to the country

-? Address and assess key implementation issues and requirements in disaster management