Animations and handbook to raise awareness of DRR in Thailand

Animations and handbook to raise awareness of DRR in Thailand

16 Jan 2015

Bangkok, Thailand

Video animations produced by UNDP Thailand together with Asian Disaster Preparedness Center and the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) raise awareness of disaster risk reduction in Thailand explaining the disaster risk reduction concept in layman’s terms. The animations were produced under UNDP Thailand’s project on Strengthening Disaster Management Capacities in Thailand.

Under the same project, UNDP, DDPM and ADPC launched a disaster risk reduction handbook focusing on bridging disaster risk reduction with development initiatives and highlighting the ways in which disaster risk reduction is relevant to the development sector.

The key message is that while disasters can set back development, development initiatives can in turn help reduce existing and future disaster risks.

The handbook is available here.

Video animation, episode 1: Disasters can be avoided

Video animation, episode 2: Reducing disaster risk is everyone’s business