Activity 14: Final workshop
The final workshop was held on 4-5 November 2006 in Bangkok, Thailand participated by 30 participants from the CASITA network universities and institutions established in the first phase of the project. During the workshop, the outputs of CASITA 2 project were shared with the wider CASITA partners. In addition to the presentation of the project outputs (course materials and outcome of research studies), the lessons learned, effectiveness of distance education program, and strategies for sustainability of the project were also presented and discussed.
During the final workshop the participant felt the need for establishing a formal network by converting the Project based network in to a formal network. The ADPC and ITC will act as the facilitators and technical support to the participating institutions and continue the assistance to universities. The areas of future collaboration have been discussed and a work plan has been formulated
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Activity 14 CASITAII Final Workshop Proceedings >