ADPC in partnership with TSF established an
Emergency Telecommunications Response mission
during the massive landslide in Leyte,
Philippines. The mission from 16 February-5
March in St. Bernard Operations Center gave
efficient communication service mainly to local
and international NGOs, local, provincial
government officials, and UNDAC personnel. The
mission also assisted the worst affected zones
through its satellite communications equipments.
ADPC in partnership with United Nations
Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) celebrated
the International Women's Day on 8 March on
thetheme "Emergencies and the Strength of
Women". The day acknowledged and honored
outstanding Women and Organizations. The forum
through its talks and presentations highlighted
women's unique role in disaster and
post-disaster rebuilding. Thanpuying Sumalee
Chartikavanij and H.E. Mrs. Merete Fjeld
Brattested, Norwegian Ambassador to Thailand
were the keynote speakers. Mrs. Prateep
Ungsongtham Hata, Secretary General of Duang
Prateep Foundation and World Vision Foundation
of Thailand gave an insight into the grass root
activities of their organizations.