The European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department (ECHO) is one of the world’s largest providers of financing for humanitarian aid operations. Through its disaster preparedness programme (DIPECHO) it assists vulnerable people living in the main disaster-prone regions of the world in reducing the impact of natural disasters on their lives and livelihoods.
Between 1996 and 2009, DIPECHO provided more than €180 million worldwide, of which over €30 million for Southeast Asia. These projects have demonstrated that simple and inexpensive preparatory measures, particularly those implemented by communities themselves, are extremely effective in limiting damage and saving lives.
ECHO draws up regional intervention strategies for its DIPECHO programme which are translated into 18-month action plans. Projects under these action plans are implemented by specialised non-governmental organisations, UN agencies or the Red Cross and Red Crescent movement.
DIPECHO South East Asia’s 7th Action Plan is currently being implemented through 22 projects in 6 countries with a budget of €10 million.
Contact us:Ms Cecile Pichon, Disaster Risk Reduction Coordinator, ECHO Regional Support Office for East and South East Asia, Mongolia and the Pacific
Tel: +66 2 255 1035/6
Fax:+66 2 255 1034
e-mail: drrc@echo-bangkok.org.