Capacity Building of National Focal
Points for Effective Dissemination of
Natural Hazard Early Warning
warning is a key element of disaster
risk reduction. National Meteorological
and Hydrological Services (NHMSs) are
mandated to observe, assess, and predict
weather and climate, and provide
fore-cast services for societal welfare.
All the advances in research in
generating hazard risk information is
not incorporated into operational
forecast system and not all operational
forecasts are integrated into decision
making process to reduce disaster risks
. In order to address these gaps, the
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center
(ADPC) is collaborating with Regional
Integrated Early Warning System for
Africa and Asia (RIMES) through pilot
demonstration projects. These pilot
demonstration projects are deigned to
generate, deliver and apply of location
specific user need based weather and
climate fore-cast products of different
time scales for reducing disaster risks
in vulnerable sectors.
demonstration project is being
implemented in Bangladesh, China and
Vietnam in high risk low elevation
coastal areas with support of the
Government of Norway from September 2009
to December 2011.

This project aims to strengthen
institutional systems for end-to-end
early warning of natural hazards by:
Establishing multi-stakeholder
forums for early warning to
institutionalize a dialogue process
to understand user needs and
generate user salient forecast
Developing user-relevant tools to
build capacity of user insti-tutions
to interpret and translate and
communicate science based risk
information into user friendly early
warning in-formation products .
Enhancing institutional capacities
for the application of warn-ing
information products for
decision-making at risk com-munities
to respond to potential hazards.
The good practices and experience
gained from the project will be
shared and replicated in the region
through the RIMES.
It is proposed to identify a coastal
pilot site prone to
hydro-meteorological hazards like
cyclones, storm surge, heavy
rainfall, thun-derstorms etc. The
project would focus on the post
monsoon cyclones (October-
November). Preliminary vulnerability
analysis in the pilot sites using
past disaster information supported
by perception, experience and
knowledge of ar risk communities
will be tapped to define risk
thre-shold for specific hazards. The
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)-
a numerical weather prediction model
will be customized to generate
location specific early warning
information which in conjunction
with pre-defined risk thresholds for
use by different stakeholders.
Dur-ing the course of project
implementation, integration of
meteorological observations from BMD
and other sources into the WRF
system will be undertaken to further
improve high resolution weather
forecasts. The Disaster Management,
Department of Agriculture, NGO and
Civili so-ciety organizations will
be involved to reach forecast
information to at risk communities
and receive feedback from them.
A coastal pilot site prone to
multiple-hazards will be identified
in colla-boration with CMA.
Vulnerability analysis and
identification of thre-sholds for
the hazards at a pilot site would be
the first steps. These thresholds
integrated with the state-of-the-art
meso-scale model and the CMA’s
global/regional model would lead to
high resolution weather forecast
products customized for the pilot
site, for the use of various stake
holders. These activities would be
carried out in close collabora-tion
between CMA Scientists and RIMES
Scientists. . Integration of me-teorological
observations would also lead to
further improvements in the high
resolution forecast generation. The
provincial county and community
level institutions will be involved
to reach location specific risk
information and receive feedback
from at risk communities.
A coastal site prone to multiple
hazards would be identified under
the project with particular focus on
reducing impacts due to one major
ha-zard. Thresholds identified after
vulnerability analysis would be inte-grated
withoutputs from the
state-of-the-art meso-scale models
and Vietnam’s existing weather
forecast model for a high resolution
weather forecast customized for the
pilot site. The project would
facilitate use of this early warning
information by various stakeholders,
in close colla-boration with NHMS
scientists. The model outputs would
be further improved by integrating
meteorological observations. The
district people’s committee, commune
people’s, village committee and
other relevant stakeholders will be
involved to reach location specific
risk in-formation and receive
feedback from at risk communities.