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National Workshop


Assessment and Mapping of the Flood-Vulnerability Indices in the Lower Mekong River Basin Project


In this vision and approach, a project, so-called Flood Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping Project has been formulated. The specific objectives of this project are: i) to quantitatively determine the socio-economic impacts of flooding on flood-prone communities and to identify underlying factors contributing to these impacts; ii) to define FVIs that are appropriate to the better management of community flood risk; iii) To develop statistically valid mathematical relationships that quantitatively relate FVIs to underlying factors; and iv) to devise a method for mapping the FVIs on a GIS basis across the LMB.


The expected outcomes of this project are threefold: i) more consistent, more focused and more effective delivery of Community Based Disaster Risk Management programs by NGOs, IOs, LAs and donors; ii) a measurable reduction in the adverse impacts of floods on flood-prone communities, including flood-induced poverty; and iii) more focused flood risk reduction interventions by the FMMP, as well as by other providers of regional and national Flood Risk Management programs. The key initial beneficiaries of this Project comprise all communities exposed to mainstream flooding in Mekong River Basin. Key stakeholders include all agencies delivering CBFRR interventions across the LMB, such as the IOs, NGOs and LAs, as well as the FMMP of the MRC. Therefore, this Project will undertaken on a collaborative basis with significant technical and manpower inputs to be provided from key NGOs, IOs and LAs.


The Phase I- Fact Finding Mission and Concept Development was successfully carried out in the riparian countries during the period of 18 June – 13 July 2007 to assess the need for such a project, its relevance to agencies operating at the community level and the potential contributions of these agencies to the Project.


Due to the limited time and limited financial resources, it was not possible for the mission to meet all key agencies in the riparian countries. Therefore Phase I-Fact Finding and Concept Development has not produced the expected complete comprehensive inventory, but merely a scattered, fragmented and partial overview of experiences and approaches. However, it will be followed by the ‘Phase II - Pre-Consolidation’. Phase II’s objectives are to confirm data and information of the flood risk management activities carried out by stakeholder agencies, NGOs and IOs in the country as well as to finalize the nature of their contributions.


Objectives :

To help line agencies and NGOs, IOs in understanding the strategic goals and objectives of MRC in Flood Management and Mitigation as well as the its programme and implementation progress;

To help NMCS and line agencies as well as NGOs, IOs in understanding overall goals, approach/methodology and implementation plan of the project;

To share outcomes of the phase II implementation in the country, which have been carried out by National Consultant with the relevant national line agencies, NGOs and IOs;

To help MRCS/FMMP in understanding the flood risk management activities carried out by line agencies, NGOs and IOs in the countries as well their nature of contribution into the project implementation in the future;

To identify lesson learns, difficulties/challenges and possible actions for better implementation of the next phases of the project in the country.



Phase II- Pre-Consolidation of Data and Information

NGOs, IOs and Line Agencies to be included in Survey :







CARE International


OXFAM Australia

OXFAM America

CONCERN International

Cambodian Red Cross

American Red Cross

Danish Red Cross

World Vision

Lutheran World Federation

Church World Service





Provincial, district and commune offices of Disaster Management Committee (Kratie)

National General Statistic Offices

General Statistic Offices at Provincial, district and commune levels (Kratie)

MOWRAM, Health Ministry, Education Ministry, Agriculture Ministry, Interior Ministry, Rural Development 

LAO Red Cross

Women Union


Save the Children Australia


Poverty Reduction Fund

Provincial, district and commune offices of Disaster Management Committee (Champasak province)