ADPC-Thailand. Monday, 10 March 2025, 04:54:41

Communicating Disasters, 21-22 Dec, Bangkok

ADPC’s Information & Knowledge Management unit participated in a regional meeting for media professionals, disaster researchers, managers and development communication specialists from the main Tsunami affected countries in Asia was held on the eve of the disaster’s second anniversary. The meeting was organized by TVE Asia Pacific and UNDP. The meeting focused on the role of media professionals and their use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) before, during and after a disaster; to share lessons learned among media professionals and key players in disaster risk reduction based on the experience of the Tsunami disaster; and to come up with suggestive guidelines for engaging the mass media and new media for more effective communication before, during and after disasters. The discussions, findings and conclusions of the meeting will be captured in a book to be published.


Communicating Disasters Building on the Tsunami Experience and Responding to Future Challenges


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