
February 2006 Issue No 17
Dear Readers,
The month of February will be another very full
month for ADPC with many on-going as well as new
activities. With this issue we are happy to
announce the launch of a new project on
Enhancing Community Resilience to Natural
Disasters in Southeast Asia covering Cambodian
and Vietnamese costal communities
with funding
support from the Government of Denmark. This
work is part of ADPC’s End-to-End Regional
Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (TEWS)
designed to protect 5 countries of Southeast
Asia; namely, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar,
Thailand and Vietnam.
Suvit Yodmani, Executive Director, Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center
Welcome for delegates from SIDA
and UNESCAP, Bangkok (January 18)
ADPC welcomed Mr. Johan Brisman, Special
Adviser, Asia Department, SIDA, Mr. Christer
Holtsberg, Counsellor, Director of Swedish
Environmental Secretariat for Asia (SENSA),
Embassy of Sweden, Mr. Khalid Husain, Programme
Officer, UNESCAP, and Mr Charles Davies,
Programme Management Officer, UNESCAP and
briefed them on ADPC activities with particular
focus on ADPC’s implementation of the End-to-End
Regional Multi-Hazard Early Warning System
designed by ADPC for 5 countries in Southeast
Asia, in partnership with AIT, University of
Columbia, University of Hawaii, IOC and GLOSS,
and supported by UNDP, ITU, USAID, Denmark, and
Enhancing Community Resilience to
Natural Disasters in Southeast Asia (February 1)
Mr. Albert Welinder from Ministry of Forein
Affairs, Denmark visited ADPC to discuss the
implementation of the programme “Enhancing
Community Resilience to Natural Disasters in
Southeast Asia”. ADPC in partnership DANIDA is
implementing the project within the framework of
the end-to-end early warning system for tsunamis
and other natural hazards in Southeast Asia. The
proposed programme aims to build resilience in
selected communities in Cambodia and Vietnam.
Besides explaining the ADPC design, ADPC
underlined the necessity of accessing and using
the UN Voluntary Trust Fund as soon as possible
in order to set up and operate the TEWS to help
protect the most vulnerable countries with very
limited resources which would serve as models
for other costal communities. The major
objective of the TEWS is to help protect the
at-risk communities by minimising the risks of
disaster, while simultaneously preparing the
relevant communities for tsunamis and other
Localised Evacuation Drill in
Kamala School, Phuket (February 3)
Led by Dr. Bhichit Rattakul, Senior Advisor to
ADPC and former Thai Minister of Science,
Technology and the Environment, ADPC, in
partnership with the Thai DDPM, conducted an
evacuation drill in Kamala School in Phuket,
Thailand on 3 February 2006. The drill involved
410 school children and about 20 teachers.
School children and local communities need to be
prepared so they can act appropriately to a
warning. ADPC invited officials from UNDP,
Tambon Administration Office, and Community
Committee to participate in the drill. School
children were being educated and made aware of
the potential dangers of natural disasters so
they can be well-prepared and know how to
respond to dangers through evacuation drills.
This is part of the ADPC End-to-End TEWS for 5
countries of Southeast Asia.
MOU between ADPC and GISTDA
(February 7)
On 7 February, ADPC and Geo-Informatics and
Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA),
signed a Memorandum of Understanding for
planning, development, implementation and
collaboration on training and capacity building
activities related to GIS applications for
disaster prevention, reduction and mitigation in
MRC countries; exchange of personnel to
complement each other’s activities; and mutual
exchange and sharing of information, materials
and publications. GIDTDA and ADPC will work
together in preparing comprehensive hazard maps
of Asian countries
Tripartite meeting of the
Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology,
Cambodia, ADB and ADPC on Community Self
Reliance and Flood Risk Reduction Project,
Cambodia (February 13)
Under the Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded
Technical Assistance (TA) on Community Self
Reliance and Flood Risk Reduction in Cambodia, a
Tripartite meeting of the Ministry of Water
Resources and Meteorology (Royal Government of
Cambodia), ADB and ADPC will be held in Phnom
Penh on the 13th February. The meeting will
review the Inception report submitted by ADPC
under the TA. The report includes an analysis of
types of approaches to community based flood
risk reduction used by various NGOs within their
projects over the past years in Cambodia.
AusAID Midterm Review of the
Development of a Comprehensive Disaster Risk
Management in Asia Project (February 14-23)
Ms. Sutthana Vichitrananda, Project Manager,
AusAID, Bangkok and Mr. Bernard Broughton, Team
Leader, is scheduled to visit ADPC to continue
with the mid-term review and field study related
with AusAID support to ADPC. The review team
plans to complete the review after 23 February
Joint Meeting of the Regional
Committees, Bangkok, (February 16-17)
ADPC is organising a Joint Meeting of the
Regional Committees in Bangkok from 16-17
February with funding support from DIPECHO. The
meeting will be attended by the Chairpersons of
the four regional committees; namely, Haze
Technical Task Force (HTTF), ASEAN Committee on
Disaster Management (ACDM), Typhoon Committee,
and the Mekong River Commission (MRC) to explore
areas of possible bilateral and multilateral
collaboration as identified from their
respective programmes in relation to specific
hazards. They will present the components of
their respective programmes that are related to
CBDRM, gaps identified and areas for possible
collaboration with technical support to be
provided by ADPC/UNESCAP.
ADPC’s Assistance to Government
of Sri Lanka, Colombo, (February 20-23)
An ADPC expert will be on mission to Sri Lanka
from 20-23 February 2006 to provide technical
assistance to the Government of Sri Lanka for
developing the National Disaster Management Plan
(NDM Plan) in collaboration with UNDP Sri Lanka.
Field work in Timor Leste for the
HABITAT III Paper on Disaster Response Shelter
Kits, Timor Leste (February 26 – March 3)
ADPC in partnership with Habitat for Humanity
will carry out field work in Timor Leste for the
HABITAT III Paper on Disaster Response Shelter
Kits. UNHCR and other agencies initiated a
programme to address the emergency shelter needs
of the displaced people of Timor Leste. The
programme was centered on facilitating return of
displaced families to their homes. The programme
provided shelter kits comprising basic material
to construct shelters.
ProVention Consortium Forum 2006,
Bangkok (February 2)
The second ProVention Consortium Forum, the
first one to be organised outside Washington
D.C., and Geneva, was hosted by IFRC in Bangkok,
Thailand and jointly organised by the World Bank
ProVention Consortium, ADPC, and all ProVention
Consortium partners participated. The Executive
Director of ADPC provided the opening remarks.
The ProVention Consortium Forum held in Bangkok
from 2-3 February 2006 provided a unique
opportunity for ProVention partners and invited
participants to meet and dialogue on risk
issues, address critical priorities in disaster
risk management and initiate new ideas and
collaborative initiatives to help drive the
global agenda on disaster reduction.
Participants of the forum included ADPC, ADB,
World Bank, UN agencies, Red Cross societies,
USAID, DFID, NGOs, INGOs and national government
Presentation on Avian Influenza:
Public Health Implications, Bangkok (February 7)
ADPC and Thammasat University’s School of Public
Heath organised a half-day workshop on “Avian
Influenza: Public Health Implications” at
Thammasat University on February 7, 2006. The
workshop featured a presentation on the issue by
WHO’s representative in Bangkok, Dr. William
Aldis, followed by active discussions and
exchange of ideas and experiences, with the view
to developing active collaboration among the
three partner agencies – Thammasat University,
WHO and ADPC. ADPC is offering its expertise in
Community-based Disaster Risk Communication to
tackle the avian flu in the region.
Visit of the Royal Nepalese
Ambassador to Thailand to ADPC (February 14)
ADPC has invited H.E. Major General Tara Bahadur
Thapa, Royal Nepalese Ambassador to Thailand to
visit ADPC on 14 February 2006. The meeting will
provide an opportunity to brief the Ambassador
on ADPC’s activities and involvement in the
region and to further enhance the on-going
partnership and collaboration between Royal
Nepalese Government and ADPC. Nepal is one of
nine founding members of the ADPC as an
International Intergovernmental Organisation.
Expert Consultation on Emergency
Preparedness for the Health Sector and
Communities: Challenges and Way Forward, Geneva
(February 15-17)
An ADPC expert is attending a meeting in Geneva
from 15-17 February on Emergency Preparedness
for the Health Sector and Communities:
Challenges and Way Forward. The meeting will be
attended by Temporary Advisers; Consultants; WHO
Staff from Humanitarian Action Crises (HAC);
other WHO departments and Regional Offices and
experts with extensive experience in the area of
emergency preparedness and mitigation. The
meeting is organised by the World Health
Organisation (WHO), Geneva.
UNDP Thailand Team to visit ADPC,
(February 17)
Mrs. Sirisupa Kulthanon, Assistant Resident
Representative, UNDP Thailand, Mr. Justin Shone,
Mr. Daniel Kirkwood and Mrs. Wimolrat
Kreingsontikul of UNDP will visit ADPC to find
out more about ADPC activities in Thailand and
in other countries in the region. The meeting
will provide opportunity to brief the team on
the ADPC Regional Early Warning System for 5
Southeast Asian countries and the progress made
so far. UNDP Thailand is one of the major
partners with ADPC in building the TEWS in
Visit to Thailand for the Chinese
delegation from National Disaster Reduction
Center, Ministry of Civil Affairs (February
ADPC will be welcoming an important Chinese
delegation led by the Deputy Director-General of
the National Disaster Reduction Center, Ministry
of Civil Affairs, China from 19-25 February this
month. The purpose of the visit is to meet and
discuss enhancement of partnership between
National Disaster Reduction Center, China and
ADPC. The delegation will also visit the Thai
Red Cross and the Department of Disaster
Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) while in
Workshop on Graduate Program in
Disaster Management, Chiang Mai, (January 27)
ADPC experts together with those from the Thai
Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
(DDPM) participated in the workshop to help
develop curriculum for a Master’s Programme in
Disaster Management organised by Chiang Mai
University, Thailand on 27th January. The
Disaster Management degree programme will be the
first of its kind offered by a Thai university.
International Workshop on
Disaster Preparedness, Dhaka, (February 13- 15)
ADPC is participating in the International
Workshop on Disaster Preparedness from 13-15
February in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The workshop is
organised by ActionAid International Tsunami
Response Centre. ADPC experts will take a
session where four case studies would be
presented which was developed under ADPC’s Asian
Urban Disaster Mitigation Programme (AUDMP).
ADPC experts will also present the follow-up on
the progress made after Kobe Framework – World
conference on Disaster Preparedness held in
January 2005.
Training on Planning and
Implementation of Flood Preparedness Programme,
Vietnam (13-16 February)
ADPC under the MRC-ADPC-ECHO Phase II project is
organising a four-day training course on
Planning and Implementation of Flood
Preparedness Programme at Province and District
Levels at My Tho city, Tien Giang Province of
Vietnam. The main focus of the training is to
enhance the capacity of the members of
Provincial and District Committee for Flood and
Storm Control in Tien Giang to plan and
implement flood preparedness programmes. About
45 officials from the Tien Giang province will
participate and about 10 resource persons from
national agencies in Vietnam will deliver the
presentation and conduct field exercises.
5th Crisis Management Course at
Satun, (14-16 February)
6th Crisis Management Course at
Ranong (6-8 March)
ADPC’s is organising two training courses on
Crisis Management with the funding support from
UNDP in Satun and Ranong provinces of Thailand.
The aim of the training course is to reduce the
likelihood of crisis, minimise the harm caused
by a crisis event and continuously improve
crisis management ability of those responsible.
These are the final two courses from the six
training courses being offered to government
officials from DDPM in different provinces
affected by Tsunami.
UNDP/ISDR Global Future Search
Meeting on Rethinking Capacity Development for
Disaster risk reduction: Action 2005-2015,
Chavannes-de-Bogis (February 13-15)
ADPC’s Deputy Executive Director will attend the
UNDP/ISDR Global Future Search Meeting on
Rethinking Capacity Development for Disaster
risk reduction: Action 2005-2015, in
Chavannes-de-Bogis, Switzerland from 13-15
February 2006. The meeting will bring together
participants from disaster risk management
community from around the world. The meeting
will provide an opportunity to engage in
extensive dialogue addressing disaster risk
challenges and strengthening national risk
management capacities.
National Workshop on CBDRM
Standards – Phnom Penh (February 27-28)
ADPC is organising a three-day national workshop
in Phnom Penh for developing criteria on CBDRM
good practice and impact indicators for CBDRM
projects with the funding support from DIPECHO.
Criteria and indicators for assessment of
vulnerability at family and community levels
will also be developed in the workshop. The
outputs of this activity should lead towards
improvements in the practice of Community Based
Disaster Risk Management in Cambodia.
2nd Damage and Needs Assessment
Course, Pathumthani, (27-28 February)
ADPC is organising a training course on 2nd
Damage and Needs Assessment with the funding
support from UNDP at DDPM Pathumthani, Thailand.
The aim of the training course is to map out
improved methodologies for post-disaster damage
and needs assessment and reporting, appropriate
to the needs of disaster managers. The training
course is being offered to government officials
from DDPM.
The Fourth (4th) Disaster
Management Practitioners (DMP) for Southeast
Asia Workshop, Bangkok, (March 8-10)
The 4th DMP SEA Workshop will be held from 8-10
March in Bangkok in the aftermath of the great
Asian tsunami and other large scale disasters in
the region and worldwide. Theme for this year’s
workshop “Learning from community based
practices: Strengthening policy and
partnerships” emphasises the need for continued
learning about community based approaches to
disaster risk reduction and underlines the
importance of formulating policy and
strengthening partnerships for wider integration
of CBDRM into the social and economic
development processes.
Workshop/Training on
“Earthquake Vulnerability and Multi- Hazard
Risk Assessment: Geospatial Tools for
Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Efforts”,
- Pakistan 13-31 March 2006
Disaster Management Course –
Karachi, Pakistan, 13-17 March 2006
Disaster Management Course –
Afghanistan, Late March 2006
Training on Damage Assessment
and Needs Analysis –
Abbottabad, Pakistan
21-22 March
Mansehra, Pakistan 23-24
Muzaffarabad, Pakistan
28-29 March