
September 2005-Issue 12
Dear Readers,
We anticipate
that September to be very busy with number
of activities, meetings and workshops as it
is stated in this month’s updates. We are
happy to inform you that on 6 September,
ADPC and National Disaster Warning Center (NDWC),
Thailand signed a memorandum of
understanding in cooperation on early
warning arrangement, preparedness and
mitigation on natural hazards for Thailand
and to establish cooperative linkages
between ADPC and NDWC.
In August we also had
a great pleasure welcoming the Deputy
Speaker of Parliament, Sri Lanka, H.E. Mr.
Gitanjana Gunawardena to ADPC.
Suvit Yodmani,
Executive Director, Asian Disaster
Preparedness Center
Household Ability to Respond to Development
Opportunities (SHOUHARDO) Urban Community
Consultation Workshop (August 16-20)
five-year (2004-9) Development Assistance
Project (DAP) implemented by CARE-Bangladesh
with funding from USAID. SHOUHARDO aims to
reduce vulnerability of the poorest
communities in Bangladesh and increase
livelihood options for them. The workshop
was held to develop understanding on the
complex and multi-dimensional nature of
poverty and vulnerability in the urban slums
and low income settlements; to gain
knowledge on participatory approaches to
development with special reference to
community led processes; to exchange ideas
on urban governance and community led
processes; and to develop functional
linkages between stakeholders engaged in
development of urban poor communities.
ADPC resource
person for the seminar on “Leadership in
Public Services and Disaster Management”
organised by Asian Institute of Technology,
Bangkok (August 17)
Three ADPC experts
served as resource persons to deliver the
training session on Integrated Approach for
Disaster Risk Management in AIT. This
training programme was designed to equip the
participant with knowledge and leadership
skills for disaster management and also
provide exposure on post disaster planning
and management in the context of costal area
rehabilitation, community reconstruction and
sustainable ecosystem management.
MoU between
ADPC and NDWC (September 6)
On 6 September, ADPC
and National Disaster Warning Center (NDWC),
Thailand, signed a Memorandum of
Understanding in cooperation on early
warning arrangement, preparedness and
mitigation on natural hazards for Thailand
and to establish cooperative linkages
between ADPC and NDWC.
Telecommunication Network Planning and
Design, Bangladesh (September 11-17)
The project, in
collaboration with the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU), aims to
prepare a general telecommunication plan for
an early warning system for Bangladesh,
Maldives, and Sri Lanka. ADPC experts will
be in Bangladesh to discuss the preparation
of a detailed overview of possible
telecommunication systems most suitable for
the country and a general telecommunication
plan for an early warning system for the
country to make assessment of existing
tsunami early warning systems in the
Forecast Applications for Disaster
Mitigation (September 6-15)
ADPC through its
Climate Risk Management team has been
implementing Climate Forecast Applications
for Disaster Mitigation (CFA) programme
since 2003. CFA aims to develop
locally-appropriate climate information
tools and capacity to apply these in
real-time in
and the
to mitigate the impacts of hydro
meteorological hazards. ADPC experts will
also be in
to solicit feedback about the national
training workshops and climate field schools
for further improvements in the module; to
assess user’s need and to prepare decision
calendar responsive to climate information;
and to document best practices against
Study Visit on
Damages of the Tsunami and the Emergency
Response and Reconstruction in Thailand for
the Delegation of Shanghai Civil
Association, Shanghai, P. R. China (28
August – 3 September)
A delegation
consisting of 7 officials from the Shanghai
Civil Defence Association undertook a study
visit in Thailand from 28th August to 3rd
September 2005. The purpose of the study
visit was to inform the delegates of the
damages of the tsunami and the emergency
response and reconstruction measures taken
by the Royal Thai Government since 26th
December 2004 in order to promote a
comprehensive system on disaster
preparedness and mitigation in Shanghai, PRC.
Visit of the Deputy
Speaker of the Parliament of Sri Lanka
(August 29)
The Honourable Mr.
Gitanjana Gunawardena, Deputy Speaker of the
Parliament paid a visit to ADPC office on 29
August to learn more about ADPC and the
active involvement of ADPC in the region,
particularly in Sri Lanka. ADPC provided the
briefing, followed by very fruitful
discussions. The Deputy Speaker was
accompanied by Ambassador J. D. A.
Wijewardena, of Democratic Republic of Sri
Lanka to Thailand.
Visit of the
Ambassador of Sweden to Thailand and the
Deputy Head of the Department for Asia and
the Pacific, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Sweden (September 7)
ADPC welcomed H.E. Mr.
Jonas Hafstrom, Swedish Ambassador to
Thailand and Director Mr. Klas Molin from
the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
briefed them on ADPC activities with
particular focus on ADPC’s Climate
Programmes and on the Regional Early Warning
System designed by ADPC for 5 countries in
South East Asia.
Media Orientation
Workshop on Community Based Disaster Risk
Management Cambodia (September 19)
A one-day national
orientation meeting has been organised in
Cambodia in order to orient media persons
(print, radio and TV) about CBDRM. Cases
about CBDRM projects will be presented
during the workshops for the information of
workshop participants. The workshop will
develop future strategies for the mass
involvement of media in awareness making
programmes on disaster management. Media
representatives, senior government
officials, and selected NGOs working in the
field of CBDRM will participate in this
Analysis of Socio-Economic Impacts of the
Indian Ocean Tsunami, Bangkok (September
ADPC’s Disaster
Management Systems Team is organising a
meeting to present a “Regional Analysis of
Socio-Economic Impacts of the Indian Ocean
Tsunami” in Bangkok. This meeting is being
organised with funding from World Bank’s
Hazard Management Unit and the ProVention
Consortium, under a study that ADPC has
undertaken for analysing socio-economic
impacts of the Indian Ocean Tsunami in the 5
affected countries in Asia, namely India,
Indonesia, Maldives, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
For each of the countries, relevant
officials from the Reconstruction Authority,
Finance Ministry, Central Bank, National
Disaster Management Office and the Planning
Department are being invited. During the
meeting, based on the comparative analyses
of Tsunami impacts presented by ADPC,
possible collective actions by the countries
for vulnerability and risk management and
reduction will be discussed.
The Asian
Conference on Disaster Reduction, Beijing
(September 27-29)
ADPC together with The
Government of China, UNESCAP, UNISDR and
UNDP are co-organising the “Asian Conference
on Disaster Reduction” from 27-29th
September. The aim of the conference is to
emphasising on the implementation of the
Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015 adopted
by the World Conference on Disaster
Reduction, and promote regional cooperation
to cope with disasters in Asia. About 350
participants inclusive of ministers and high
level government officials in charge of
disaster prevention and reduction, disaster
management and representatives from UN
agencies, international organisations and
regional organisations are expected to
participate in this conference.
5th Regional
Training Course on Tsunami and Earthquake
Vulnerability Reduction for Cities (ECRC-5),
Phuket (September 19-23)
The fifth EVRC
training course is being organised on 19th –
23th September in Phuket, Thailand. The
course is designed to provide greater
understanding of the causes and effects of
earthquakes and tsunami and how to mitigate
such impacts in order to reduce damage and
loss of lives from these destructive events.
The Course intends to assist government
officials, insurance companies, emergency
response agencies, relief and rehabilitation
agencies, UN agencies and international
organisations, NGOs working on disaster
mitigation particularly on earthquake
mitigation. The training course is developed
in collaboration with World Seismic Safety
Initiative (WSSI), Earthquakes and
Megacities Initiative (EMI) and the
Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV).
Disaster Management
Course in Pakistan (September 19-30)
ADPC in collaboration
with Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF)
is organising a two week training programme
for their officials in Islamabad as PPAF has
included disaster management component in
their forthcoming activities. The course
will provide comprehensive disaster
management knowledge and skills to enhance
the capabilities of executive managers who
have key disaster management
responsibilities. The course is designed to
enable professionals working in PPAF and
other partner organisations related to
disaster management, development and donor
agencies to effectively integrate disaster
management into their development programmes
and policies.
Training workshop
on “Damage and Loss Estimation for Risk
Management”, Bangkok (September 26-30)
The training
workshop is intended to assist government
officials and disaster management
practitioners to acquaint themselves with
the methodology for damage and loss
assessment developed by the Economic
Commission for Latin America and the
Caribbean of the United Nations (UN-ECLAC),
and its application for disaster risk
management. About thirty participants from
six countries, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia,
Maldives, Sri Lanka and Thailand will
participate in this training workshop.
1st International
Workshop on Management of Dead and Missing
in Disasters (September 26-30)
The first
international workshop on the Management of
the Dead and the Missing in Disasters (MDM
Programme) will be organised by the Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) and the
three regional offices of the World Health
Organisation namely, the South East Asia,
Western Pacific and the Eastern
Mediterranean (WHO-SEARO/WPRO/EMRO). The
goal of the MDM Programme is to enhance a
multi-sectoral approach to the public health
management of the dead and the missing in
countries affected by mass-fatality natural
disasters and to contribute to create a
regional network of experts for
international local assistance.
Climate Forecast
Application Consultation Workshop (July
18-21), Thailand
The workshop brings
together implementing partners of the
climate forecast applications program from
Indonesia, the Philippines, and Vietnam, in
collaboration with the International
Research Institute for Climate Prediction (IRI),
to share progress of program implementation
and develop next year's action plan. The
program is funded by USAID/OFDA and US NOAA.
Consultation Workshop, Indonesia (September
A two-day national
consultation workshop will be organised in
Indonesia to develop a national framework on
institutionalising CBDRM in the government
policy, planning and implementation and to
develop guidelines for national and regional
networking and partnerships. About 30
participants from relevant government
ministries and departments, NGOs working on
community based disaster risk management, UN
agencies, DIPECHO partners and Red Cross and
Red Crescent societies will attend the
1st Regional
Training Course on Exercise Management
(EXMAN-1), Bangkok, October 10-14
First Regional
Training Course on Skills for Effective
Trainers (SET-1), Bangkok 17-21 October
Workshop on CBDRM good practice criteria,
impact indicators, and criteria to determine
family and community vulnerability to
natural disasters - Cambodia (October
19-21), Lao PDR (October 12-14), and Vietnam
(October 26-28)
7th Regional
Training Course on Flood Disaster Risk
Management (FDRM-7), Bangkok, 24 October - 4