November 2005-Issue 14
Dear Readers,
October has been a very
eventful month for ADPC. Above and beyond
the on-going projects and activities, we
became occupied in planning and implementing
assistance to the government and people of
Pakistan who were victims of and affected by
the October 8 major earthquake in South
Asia. By the last week of October, 56,000
deaths had been registered in Pakistan
Suvit Yodmani, Executive Director, Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center
ADPC’s role in the South-Asia
Earthquake (October)
ADPC in partnership with Habitat for
Humanity and AIT sent a joint mission to
assess the damage and needs in housing in
the aftermath of the terrible earthquake
from 31 October 2005 – 4 November 2005 with
the view to reconstruction of the housing in
the affected areas.
ADPC together with UNDP Pakistan, the Asian
Development Bank and the World Bank launched
a ten-day Inter-Agency Assessment of the
Recovery Needs in the affected areas
beginning on 24th October 2005.
ADPC assisted Pakistan in obtaining the raw
satellite images after the earthquake for
some of the affected areas from the Asian
Institute of Technology (AIT) . Various
other organisations like United Nations
Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and
ITC Netherlands are being approached for the
supply of satellite images.
ADPC staff contributed personally about US$
2,000 in aid of search, rescue and relief
work in Kashmir.
Meeting of the ADPC Board of
Trustees (October 27)
On October 27, ADPC organised the 6th Annual
Board of Trustees meeting at the Amari
Atrium Hotel, Bangkok which was presided
over by H.E. Prof. Dr. Krasae Chanawongse,
Chairman and Hon. Mdm. Corazon Alma G. De
Leon, Vice Chairperson.
Project monitoring, Climate
Forecast Applications (CFA) for Disaster
Mitigation – Indonesia (November 11-13)
An ADPC expert will be in Indonesia to meet
with the Badan Meteorologi & Geofisika
(BMG), CFA implementing partner for project
review, and will visit the demonstration
site for progress monitoring. Feedback will
be solicited from agriculture extension
workers on the usefulness and adaptability
of the climate forecast applications.
Project monitoring, Climate
Forecast Applications (CFA) for Disaster
Mitigation – Vietnam (November 29 – December
ADPC expert will be in Vietnam to meet with
the experts from the Hydro-meteorological
Services and the Agro-meteorological
Research Center, which will assess the
status of climate forecast applications in
Opening of a new project
office in Vietnam (November)
ADPC is opening a new project office in
Vietnam under the Flood Emergency Management
Strengthening (FEMS) project. Flood
Emergency Management Strengthening project
under Component 4 of the Mekong River
Commission’s Flood Management and Mitigation
Programme is being implemented in the 4
Mekong countries – Cambodia, Vietnam, Lao
PDR and Thailand, with the funding support
from GTZ.
ADPC hosted farewell luncheon
for H.E. Mir Hussain Bakhsh Bangulzai,
(October 26)
ADPC hosted a farewell luncheon for H.E. Mir
Hussain Bakhsh Bangulzai, Ambassador of
Pakistan to Thailand to express appreciation
for the coordination and support ADPC has
received from the Pakistani Embassy in
Bangkok during the Ambassador’s term of
office in Thailand.
Visit to ADPC for the
delegation of Shanghai Municipal Civil
Defence Office, Shanghai, China, (November
ADPC was very happy to welcome 7 senior
officials from Shanghai Municipal Civil
Defence Office (SCDO) to meet and discuss
establishing a training center for disaster
management in Shanghai with the assistance
of ADPC. The SCDO delegation also visited
the Thai Red Cross and the Department of
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPC).
Visit to ADPC by the
Norwegian Emergency Preparedness System (NOREPS),
(November 8)
On November 8, The Norwegian Private Sector
team of 10 led by Mr. Bjorn Johannessen of
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway visited
ADPC to share information on ADPC’s and
NOREP’s activities and to seek avenues of
collaboration between NOREPS and ADPC.
2nd Batch Basic Emergency
Response Instructors Course, Thailand
(October 25 – November 12),
ADPC in collaboration with United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) and Department
of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM)
is organising 2nd batch Basic Emergency
Response Instructors Course in Bangkok. The
training course will provide basic knowledge
and skills to emergency responders to manage
patients’ safely and effectively during
emergency and disaster situations. The
training course selected 5 participants to
perform as assistant instructors in the
second batch of the course. 24 participants
from medical first response, government
agencies and civil society, designated
search and rescue teams, and laypersons in
the community participated in the course.
Climate Forecast Application
Workshop, Hyderabad, India, (November 7-15)
ADPC is participating in the Climate
Forecast Application Workshop organised by
the Asia Pacific Network (APN) from 7-15
November. An IRI and ADPC expert will be one
of the key speakers in the Workshop at
International Crops Research Institute for
Semi-Acrid Tropics (ICRISAT). The
presentation will focus on India’s climate
risk management in the agriculture sector.
32nd Regional Training Course
on Disaster Management, Bangkok, (November
The 32nd Regional Training
Course on Disaster Management organised by
ADPC in Bangkok from 7-25 November 2005 is
being attended by 41 mid to senior level
staff members of UN, international
organisations, NGO’s, and of national
governments. Participants come from 14
African, Asian, Australian, European, North
American and Pacific countries. The purpose
of the course is to provide comprehensive
disaster management knowledge and skills to
enhance the capabilities of executive
managers who have key disaster management
responsibilities. Through this course
participants will be able to develop
effective strategies and systems for
disaster prevention and mitigation; apply
risk management processes in order to
identify, assess and deal with disaster
risks; utilise an emergency coordination
center to manage disaster events and assess
key implementation issues and requirements
in disaster management. For those applicants
who applied late, nother DMC Course (DMC33)
will be organised from 16 January – 3
February 2006. Up to 11 November, 35
applicants have already registered.
National Consultation
Workshop on Community Based Disaster Risk
Management Indonesia (October 17-18)
APDC is implementing national
workshops on community based disaster risk
management in Indonesia This workshop will
focus on sharing of CBDRM experiences and
identification of issues and challenges, and
development of strategies for future
strengthening of CBDRM practices in the
National Workshop on CBDRM
Good Practice Criteria, Impact Indicators,
and Criteria to Determine Family and
Community Vulnerability to Natural
Disasters, East Timor (November 9-11)
The national workshop on
CBDRM will focus on development of national
standards on community based disaster risk
management. In the workshop, criteria and
indicators for assessment of vulnerability
at family and community levels will be
developed. It is expected that the
formulation of these standards will help to
improve the practice of CBDRM in East Timor.
Integrating Community Based
Disaster Risk Management into Donor Policy
and Planning, Bangkok, (November 11)
ADPC in collaboration with
UNESCAP is organising a workshop for the
representatives of the donor community of
Southeast Asia. The goal of the workshop is
to encourage continuous policy dialogue with
the broader donor community to
institutionalize CBDRM in their development
policy and practice. The objectives of the
workshop are: to mobilize donor support for
the national strategies on integrating CBDRM
into the socio-economic development process;
review current status on mainstreaming DRR,
experiences and challenges; learn from, and
establish synergies with similar on-going
efforts, and explore possible tools and
opportunities to facilitate mainstreaming in
donor policy and programming.
Refresher Course on Capacity
Building in Asia using Information
Technology Applications (CASITA), Hanoi,
(November 14-25)
ADPC, in partnership with
ITC, the Netherlands and Hanoi Architectural
University is organising a course in Hanoi,
Vietnam during 14-25 November 2005 on
Capacity Building in Asia using Information
Technology Applications. The course is
intended as a train-the-trainers course, as
it is directed to University teachers that
are involved in the development or
implementation of disaster management
courses. The course will be attended by
mid-level professionals from academic and
research institutions working on
geo-informatics for hazard and risk
assessment. About 35 participants from Asian
countries will attend the course.
Strengthening the Resilience
of Local Communities in Coastal Areas to
Water Related Natural Disasters, Copenhagen
(November 16-18)
ADPC is participating in the
Workshop on Strengthening the Resilience of
Local Communities in Coastal Areas to Water
Related Natural Disasters, organised by
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and
UNISDR in Copenhagen from 6-18 November.
ADPC is contributing a country paper on the
"Water Related Natural Disasters in Coastal
Areas" from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Thailand, in
consultation with the National Disaster
Management Organizations (NDMOs) of these
countries in the workshop.
4th Inter-sessional Working
Group Meeting for the Development of a
Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System for
the Indian Ocean (ICG/IOTWS), Singapore
(November 19-25)
ADPC is participating in the
4th Inter-sessional Working Group Meeting
for the Development of a Tsunami Warning and
Mitigation System for the Indian Ocean to
ensure that efforts to establish the
regional tsunami warning arrangement for
Southeast Asia are coordinated with the
International Oceanographic Commission. The
main output of this event is to create an
operational directive (International
exchange of Advices and Warnings,
establishing and maintaining data-bases on
contacts, warning address lists for
international dissemination of warning
messages, warning phases, etc.), which will
address the issues of accountability, the
time frame of operations, and the language
to be used for international exchange of
tsunami warning messages.
Agricultural Damage and Loss
Assessment Workshop, Manila, Philippines
(November 21-25)
ADPC is participating and
presenting a paper on Assessment
Methodologies and Field Experiences in the
workshop - Agricultural Damage and Loss
Assessment at the Bureau of Agricultural
Statistics (BAS). The workshop to be held in
Manila, The Philippines is being orgnised by
Inter-Agency Task Force on
Disaster Reduction, Geneva (November 22-23)
ADPC is participating in the
12th session of Inter-Agency Task Force on
Disaster Reduction organised by UNISDR from
22-23 November in Geneva, Switzerland. The
key focus of this meeting is to support
nations and committees in the implementation
of Hyogo Framework.
Expert Group Meeting on
Social Aspects of Integrated Flood
Management, Geneva (November 25-26)
ADPC is participating in the
Expert Group Meeting on Social Aspects of
Integrated Flood Management organised by WMO
from 25-26 November in Geneva. A paper on
"Social Aspects of Integrated Flood
Management: Enhancing Stakeholders
Engagement" has been submitted to the WMO,
and will be presented to the expert group
during the meeting.
Regional workshop on CBDRM
training curriculum for local government
officials Bangkok, (November 28-29)
ADPC is organising a
three-day workshop in Bangkok on CBDRM
training curriculum for local government
which will bring together CBDRM
practitioners from partner countries viz.
Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Timor Leste
and Vietnam. The workshop aims to produce a
commonly agreed manual for training on
various aspects of CBDRM, focusing on
curriculum for training staff of National
Disaster Management Office (NDMO) and other
relevant government agencies in the planning
and implementation of CBDRM projects.
Planning and Implementation
of Flood Preparedness Programmes, Cambodia,
(November 28 – December 1)
ADPC is organising a training
course on Planning and Implementation of
Flood Preparedness Programmes at the
Provincial and District levels in Kratie
province of Cambodia. The training is
targeted at the members of Provincial
Committee for Disaster Management (PCDM) and
it will be conducted in the local language
with resource persons from NGOs such as ACF,
OXFAM and Cambodia Red Cross, as well as
from NCDM-Cambodia. The project is supported
Meeting with Business Groups
in Vietnam (November)
ADPC in collaboration with
the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry
is organising a meeting with Business groups
in Vietnam. The purpose of the meeting is to
orientate the business firms on the hazards
and risks that are present in the contexts
where they operate. It will also discuss the
potential disaster risks that might be
caused by the business activities. The
meeting will discuss importance of
identifying risk and action planning for
managing those risks in order to ensure
safety of the business, employees and the
communities where such businesses are
located; and to identify the potential
resources from the private sector to provide
community-based disaster management
National Workshop on CBDRM
Good Practice Criteria, Impact Indicators,
and Criteria to Determine Family and
Community Vulnerability to Natural Disasters
Indonesia, December 7-8, 2005
Nutrition for Children &
Mothers in Disasters (NCM), Teheran,
December 3-14, 2005
Dear Readers,
October has been a very eventful month for
ADPC. Above and beyond the on-going projects
and activities, we became occupied in
planning and implementing assistance to the
government and people of Pakistan who were
victims of and affected by the October 8
major earthquake in South Asia. By the last
week of October, 56,000 deaths had been
registered in Pakistan alone.
Suvit Yodmani, Executive Director, Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center
ADPC’s role in the South-Asia
Earthquake (October)
ADPC in partnership with Habitat for
Humanity and AIT sent a joint mission to
assess the damage and needs in housing in
the aftermath of the terrible earthquake
from 31 October 2005 – 4 November 2005 with
the view to reconstruction of the housing in
the affected areas.
ADPC together with UNDP Pakistan, the Asian
Development Bank and the World Bank launched
a ten-day Inter-Agency Assessment of the
Recovery Needs in the affected areas
beginning on 24th October 2005.
ADPC assisted Pakistan in obtaining the raw
satellite images after the earthquake for
some of the affected areas from the Asian
Institute of Technology (AIT) . Various
other organisations like United Nations
Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and
ITC Netherlands are being approached for the
supply of satellite images.
ADPC staff contributed personally about US$
2,000 in aid of search, rescue and relief
work in Kashmir.
Meeting of the ADPC Board of
Trustees (October 27)
On October 27, ADPC organised the 6th Annual
Board of Trustees meeting at the Amari
Atrium Hotel, Bangkok which was presided
over by H.E. Prof. Dr. Krasae Chanawongse,
Chairman and Hon. Mdm. Corazon Alma G. De
Leon, Vice Chairperson.
Project monitoring, Climate
Forecast Applications (CFA) for Disaster
Mitigation – Indonesia (November 11-13)
An ADPC expert will be in Indonesia to meet
with the Badan Meteorologi & Geofisika
(BMG), CFA implementing partner for project
review, and will visit the demonstration
site for progress monitoring. Feedback will
be solicited from agriculture extension
workers on the usefulness and adaptability
of the climate forecast applications.
Project monitoring, Climate
Forecast Applications (CFA) for Disaster
Mitigation – Vietnam (November 29 – December
ADPC expert will be in Vietnam to meet with
the experts from the Hydro-meteorological
Services and the Agro-meteorological
Research Center, which will assess the
status of climate forecast applications in
Opening of a new project
office in Vietnam (November)
ADPC is opening a new project office in
Vietnam under the Flood Emergency Management
Strengthening (FEMS) project. Flood
Emergency Management Strengthening project
under Component 4 of the Mekong River
Commission’s Flood Management and Mitigation
Programme is being implemented in the 4
Mekong countries – Cambodia, Vietnam, Lao
PDR and Thailand, with the funding support
from GTZ.
ADPC hosted farewell luncheon
for H.E. Mir Hussain Bakhsh Bangulzai,
(October 26)
ADPC hosted a farewell luncheon for H.E. Mir
Hussain Bakhsh Bangulzai, Ambassador of
Pakistan to Thailand to express appreciation
for the coordination and support ADPC has
received from the Pakistani Embassy in
Bangkok during the Ambassador’s term of
office in Thailand.
Visit to ADPC for the
delegation of Shanghai Municipal Civil
Defence Office, Shanghai, China, (November
ADPC was very happy to welcome 7 senior
officials from Shanghai Municipal Civil
Defence Office (SCDO) to meet and discuss
establishing a training center for disaster
management in Shanghai with the assistance
of ADPC. The SCDO delegation also visited
the Thai Red Cross and the Department of
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPC).
Visit to ADPC by the
Norwegian Emergency Preparedness System (NOREPS),
(November 8)
On November 8, The Norwegian Private Sector
team of 10 led by Mr. Bjorn Johannessen of
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway visited
ADPC to share information on ADPC’s and
NOREP’s activities and to seek avenues of
collaboration between NOREPS and ADPC.
2nd Batch Basic Emergency
Response Instructors Course, Thailand
(October 25 – November 12),
ADPC in collaboration with United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) and Department
of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM)
is organising 2nd batch Basic Emergency
Response Instructors Course in Bangkok. The
training course will provide basic knowledge
and skills to emergency responders to manage
patients’ safely and effectively during
emergency and disaster situations. The
training course selected 5 participants to
perform as assistant instructors in the
second batch of the course. 24 participants
from medical first response, government
agencies and civil society, designated
search and rescue teams, and laypersons in
the community participated in the course.
Climate Forecast Application
Workshop, Hyderabad, India, (November 7-15)
ADPC is participating in the Climate
Forecast Application Workshop organised by
the Asia Pacific Network (APN) from 7-15
November. An IRI and ADPC expert will be one
of the key speakers in the Workshop at
International Crops Research Institute for
Semi-Acrid Tropics (ICRISAT). The
presentation will focus on India’s climate
risk management in the agriculture sector.
32nd Regional Training Course
on Disaster Management, Bangkok, (November
The 32nd Regional Training
Course on Disaster Management organised by
ADPC in Bangkok from 7-25 November 2005 is
being attended by 41 mid to senior level
staff members of UN, international
organisations, NGO’s, and of national
governments. Participants come from 14
African, Asian, Australian, European, North
American and Pacific countries. The purpose
of the course is to provide comprehensive
disaster management knowledge and skills to
enhance the capabilities of executive
managers who have key disaster management
responsibilities. Through this course
participants will be able to develop
effective strategies and systems for
disaster prevention and mitigation; apply
risk management processes in order to
identify, assess and deal with disaster
risks; utilise an emergency coordination
center to manage disaster events and assess
key implementation issues and requirements
in disaster management. For those applicants
who applied late, nother DMC Course (DMC33)
will be organised from 16 January – 3
February 2006. Up to 11 November, 35
applicants have already registered.
National Consultation
Workshop on Community Based Disaster Risk
Management Indonesia (October 17-18)
APDC is implementing national
workshops on community based disaster risk
management in Indonesia This workshop will
focus on sharing of CBDRM experiences and
identification of issues and challenges, and
development of strategies for future
strengthening of CBDRM practices in the
National Workshop on CBDRM
Good Practice Criteria, Impact Indicators,
and Criteria to Determine Family and
Community Vulnerability to Natural
Disasters, East Timor (November 9-11)
The national workshop on
CBDRM will focus on development of national
standards on community based disaster risk
management. In the workshop, criteria and
indicators for assessment of vulnerability
at family and community levels will be
developed. It is expected that the
formulation of these standards will help to
improve the practice of CBDRM in East Timor.
Integrating Community Based
Disaster Risk Management into Donor Policy
and Planning, Bangkok, (November 11)
ADPC in collaboration with
UNESCAP is organising a workshop for the
representatives of the donor community of
Southeast Asia. The goal of the workshop is
to encourage continuous policy dialogue with
the broader donor community to
institutionalize CBDRM in their development
policy and practice. The objectives of the
workshop are: to mobilize donor support for
the national strategies on integrating CBDRM
into the socio-economic development process;
review current status on mainstreaming DRR,
experiences and challenges; learn from, and
establish synergies with similar on-going
efforts, and explore possible tools and
opportunities to facilitate mainstreaming in
donor policy and programming.
Refresher Course on Capacity
Building in Asia using Information
Technology Applications (CASITA), Hanoi,
(November 14-25)
ADPC, in partnership with
ITC, the Netherlands and Hanoi Architectural
University is organising a course in Hanoi,
Vietnam during 14-25 November 2005 on
Capacity Building in Asia using Information
Technology Applications. The course is
intended as a train-the-trainers course, as
it is directed to University teachers that
are involved in the development or
implementation of disaster management
courses. The course will be attended by
mid-level professionals from academic and
research institutions working on
geo-informatics for hazard and risk
assessment. About 35 participants from Asian
countries will attend the course.
Strengthening the Resilience
of Local Communities in Coastal Areas to
Water Related Natural Disasters, Copenhagen
(November 16-18)
ADPC is participating in the
Workshop on Strengthening the Resilience of
Local Communities in Coastal Areas to Water
Related Natural Disasters, organised by
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and
UNISDR in Copenhagen from 6-18 November.
ADPC is contributing a country paper on the
"Water Related Natural Disasters in Coastal
Areas" from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Thailand, in
consultation with the National Disaster
Management Organizations (NDMOs) of these
countries in the workshop.
4th Inter-sessional Working
Group Meeting for the Development of a
Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System for
the Indian Ocean (ICG/IOTWS), Singapore
(November 19-25)
ADPC is participating in the
4th Inter-sessional Working Group Meeting
for the Development of a Tsunami Warning and
Mitigation System for the Indian Ocean to
ensure that efforts to establish the
regional tsunami warning arrangement for
Southeast Asia are coordinated with the
International Oceanographic Commission. The
main output of this event is to create an
operational directive (International
exchange of Advices and Warnings,
establishing and maintaining data-bases on
contacts, warning address lists for
international dissemination of warning
messages, warning phases, etc.), which will
address the issues of accountability, the
time frame of operations, and the language
to be used for international exchange of
tsunami warning messages.
Agricultural Damage and Loss
Assessment Workshop, Manila, Philippines
(November 21-25)
ADPC is participating and
presenting a paper on Assessment
Methodologies and Field Experiences in the
workshop - Agricultural Damage and Loss
Assessment at the Bureau of Agricultural
Statistics (BAS). The workshop to be held in
Manila, The Philippines is being orgnised by
Inter-Agency Task Force on
Disaster Reduction, Geneva (November 22-23)
ADPC is participating in the
12th session of Inter-Agency Task Force on
Disaster Reduction organised by UNISDR from
22-23 November in Geneva, Switzerland. The
key focus of this meeting is to support
nations and committees in the implementation
of Hyogo Framework.
Expert Group Meeting on
Social Aspects of Integrated Flood
Management, Geneva (November 25-26)
ADPC is participating in the
Expert Group Meeting on Social Aspects of
Integrated Flood Management organised by WMO
from 25-26 November in Geneva. A paper on
"Social Aspects of Integrated Flood
Management: Enhancing Stakeholders
Engagement" has been submitted to the WMO,
and will be presented to the expert group
during the meeting.
Regional workshop on CBDRM
training curriculum for local government
officials Bangkok, (November 28-29)
ADPC is organising a
three-day workshop in Bangkok on CBDRM
training curriculum for local government
which will bring together CBDRM
practitioners from partner countries viz.
Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Timor Leste
and Vietnam. The workshop aims to produce a
commonly agreed manual for training on
various aspects of CBDRM, focusing on
curriculum for training staff of National
Disaster Management Office (NDMO) and other
relevant government agencies in the planning
and implementation of CBDRM projects.
Planning and Implementation
of Flood Preparedness Programmes, Cambodia,
(November 28 – December 1)
ADPC is organising a training
course on Planning and Implementation of
Flood Preparedness Programmes at the
Provincial and District levels in Kratie
province of Cambodia. The training is
targeted at the members of Provincial
Committee for Disaster Management (PCDM) and
it will be conducted in the local language
with resource persons from NGOs such as ACF,
OXFAM and Cambodia Red Cross, as well as
from NCDM-Cambodia. The project is supported
Meeting with Business Groups
in Vietnam (November)
ADPC in collaboration with
the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry
is organising a meeting with Business groups
in Vietnam. The purpose of the meeting is to
orientate the business firms on the hazards
and risks that are present in the contexts
where they operate. It will also discuss the
potential disaster risks that might be
caused by the business activities. The
meeting will discuss importance of
identifying risk and action planning for
managing those risks in order to ensure
safety of the business, employees and the
communities where such businesses are
located; and to identify the potential
resources from the private sector to provide
community-based disaster management
National Workshop on CBDRM
Good Practice Criteria, Impact Indicators,
and Criteria to Determine Family and
Community Vulnerability to Natural Disasters
Indonesia, December 7-8, 2005
Nutrition for Children &
Mothers in Disasters (NCM), Teheran,
December 3-14, 2005