
March 2005-Issue 6
Dear Readers,
month marks an important milestone in the
history of ADPC, that of being granted an
Inter-governmental organization status by
the Royal Thai Government. The official
signing of the charter with signatory states
Thailand, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal,
Pakistan and the Philippines took place at a
ceremony held at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs, Thailand on February 28, 2005. A
few more countries such as China and Sri
Lanka have shown interest in signing the
charter by April 5, 2005, when the ADPC
Board of Trustees shall be meeting. I wish
to share this happy moment with all our
friends and well wishers and also to thank
and congratulate all the ADPC staff who
worked so hard to make this possible.
Suvit Yodmani, Executive Director, Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center
Start-up of the Second Phase of Capacity
Building Project in the Mekong River Basin
The Capacity Building for Planning and
Implementation of Flood Preparedness
Programs at Provincial and District Levels
in the Lower Mekong Basin (Phase II)
Project, a 14-month project, which
officially started in February 2005, is
being implemented in collaboration with the
Mekong River Commission (MRC), with funding
support from ECHO. The focus countries are
Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam. The objective
of the project is to enhance the capacity
for undertaking planning and implementation
of flood preparedness programs at the
provincial and district level in selected
provinces of the Lower Mekong Basin.
Disaster Mitigation Public
Awareness Programs Broadcasted through
Television (5-Mar)
ADPC in collaboration with the Department of
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Thailand
has started a of pilot public awareness
project – series of programs on disasters
and disaster prevention, preparedness and
mitigation. The first of the series, on
earthquakes and tsunamis started telecast on
March 5, 2005 on Thailand’s Channel 11 and
will be broadcasted every Saturday and
Sunday. A number of hazards will be covered
in the upcoming series.
Announcing the Second
ProVention Applied Grants for Disaster
Reduction (Phase II) (March)
Call for applications with proposals for the
second phase of the ProVention Consortium
Applied Research Grants Program for Disaster
Risk Reduction to support innovative action
research by young professionals from
developing countries is open. The program is
managed regionally by the ADPC, Disaster
Mitigation for Sustainable Livelihoods
Programme (DiMP), University of Capetown and
the University of Wisconsin – Disaster
Management Center. ADPC is responsible for
the grants awarded to grantees from South
and Southeast Asia, and the Pacific. The
last date for submission of applications and
proposals is May 1, 2005. For more details
check the ADPC website at
International Coordination Meeting for the
Development of Tsunami Warning and
Mitigation System for the Indian Ocean
within a Global Framework (3-8 Mar), UNESCO
Headquarters, France
The objective of the IOC meeting in Paris
was to take a step forward towards the
establishment of a Tsunami Warning and
Mitigation System for the Indian Ocean
within a global tsunami warning and
mitigation system framework. A draft
comprehensive plan and design for setting up
the multi-hazard early warning center in the
region was prepared and presented by ADPC
during the meeting.
First Meeting of the RCC-MDRD
Regional Advisory Panel (23-24 Mar),
Bangkok, Thailand
In order to guide the implementation of the
RCC program on Mainstreaming Disaster Risk
Reduction into Development Policy, Planning
and Implementation (MDRD), 11 RCC Members
have been invited to serve on the MDRD
Advisory Panel. The 1st meeting of the MDRD
Advisory Panel will convene in Bangkok on
the 23-24 March and will be attended by
special invitees from partner and donor
organizations, development banks and UN
Community-Based Disaster Risk Management
Training, (10-11 Mar), Chiang Rai, Thailand
A CBDRM Training will be conducted under the
Thailand Urban Disaster Mitigation Project (TUDMP)
in the landslide prone areas of Maekorn and
its sub-districts in the north of Thailand,
as part of a series of CBDRM trainings.
Disaster Management Course,
(19-30 Mar), Kabul, Afghanistan
Part of a one-year project - Training and
Capacity Building Project being implemented
in Afghanistan in collaboration with InWent
Germany and United Nations Assistance
Mission for Afghanistan, ADPC is conducting
a ten days course on disaster management for
senior managers at the Afghan Department of
Disaster Preparedness in Kabul.
Workshop on Tsunami Wave
Modeling & Multi-temporal Satellite Image
Processing and Analysis of the Impact of the
December 26th Event (28 Mar-1 Apr), Bangkok,
ADPC in collaboration
with the Asian Institute of Technology, the
Institute for Geo-information Science and
Earth Observation (ITC), the Netherlands,
and Department of Geophysics & Meteorology
of the Institute of Technology (ITB),
Bandung, Indonesia, will conduct a week long
workshop in Bangkok under the CASITA-II
project. The objective of the workshop is to
provide the participants in five days time
the opportunity to acquire skills in the
field of earth observation, and flood zoning
of the tsunami damaged shore zones of the
Indian Ocean. During the workshop
demonstration on how to process and
interpret some of the available high and
medium resolution satellite images of pre-
and post tsunami dates will be made. Also
Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
elevation models will be used in combination
with the satellite imagery. An attempt will
be made to make a tsunami flood zoning to be
used for strategic shore zone management for
Recovery Management 2-7 April, Kabul,
ADPC Board of
Trustees Meeting, Bangkok, Thailand, 5 April
Community-Based Disaster Risk Management
9-15 April, Kabul, Afghanistan
The First
Regional Training Course on Skills for
Effective Trainers (SET-1), 18-29 April,
Bangkok, Thailand
Flood Disaster
Risk Management 28 April-5 May, Kabul,