
June 2005-Issue 9
Dear Readers,
month marks the first death anniversary of
Col Brian Ward the founder of the ADPC. As a
mark of respect and homage to Col Brian, who
nurtured ADPC from the beginning, a
commemorative ceremony will be held on
Monday 13 June 2005 at ADPC.
With this issue we are happy to announce the
launch of a new project on Coastal Risk
Analysis of Tsunamis and Environmental
Remediation (CRATER) with funding support
from the Italian Ministry for Environment
and Territory (IMET); strengthening
partnerships with CARE; reporting on the
status of the end-to-end early warning
system and other activities and events. We
are indeed encouraged by the number of
responses we have been receiving, and I
would like to thank all those who have been
writing back to us with your comments,
questions and other inputs.
Suvit Yodmani, Executive Director, Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center
Coastal Risk Analysis of
Tsunamis and Environmental Remediation
(CRATER) Thailand
The CRATER Project, which was officially
launched last month, is being implemented in
partnership with the Ministers of Interior
and Natural Resources and Environment. It
uses approaches to develop tools for
managing emergencies following tsunami
events by analyzing the coastal risks to
tsunami impacts. The year long project is
being implemented with funding support from
the Italian Ministry for Environment and
Territory (IMET).
Regional Study on the
Socio-Economic Impacts of the Indian Ocean
Tsunami in Asia
A regional study to analyze the
socio-economic and environmental impacts of
the 26 December 2004 earthquake and tsunami
is currently underway. The study is being
implemented by ADPC under the umbrella of
the ProVention Consortium, with support from
individual international consultants, ECLAC
and the World Bank’s Hazard Management Unit,
in the affected countries – Indonesia,
Thailand, Sri Lanka, Maldives and India. The
study will also identify actions undertaken
jointly by the countries and is expected to
result in significant economies of scale,
particularly in relation to financial risk
MoU Signed between ADPC &
CARE, Thailand
On May 13 ADPC and CARE signed a memorandum
of understanding to consolidate & intensify
mutual support and collaboration to advance
community-based disaster preparedness,
disaster risk reduction, early warning
systems, and emergency preparedness
planning. Some of the activities will
include, skill building efforts for staff
including establishment of relief
competencies, development of learning
strategies/training tools and staff
certification process; knowledge sharing on
good practices in disaster risk reduction
community based preparedness etc.
End-to-end Multi-Hazard
Warning System Indian Ocean & Southeast Asia
As a follow-up to the assessments and number
of consultation workshops, the end-to-end
multi-hazard warning system for tsunamis and
other natural hazards in the Indian Ocean
and Southeast Asia started its
implementation, with initial focus on
tsunami warning. Some of the actions taken
are: preparation of terms of reference for
hiring required personnel, agreements
between IOC/GLOSS to install 2 sea level
stations in Thailand (at Koh Miang, Koh
Taprao Noi) by June end; and 3 others (at
Yung Tao, Vietnam; Myanmar; Philippines) by
end of August; and finalization of
arrangement for the training of ADPC
personnel at Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
International Disaster Risk Reduction
Workshop (May 30 – June 1), The Netherlands
ADPC was invited to participate in a
workshop organized by CARE International, to
institutionalize disaster risk reduction
into the program activities of CARE.
Scientific Tsunami Forum
(June 6-7), Thailand
A scientific tsunami forum, organized by the
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in
partnership with the Ministry of Natural
Resources and Environment of the Royal Thai
Government, ADPC and UNEP, at the Asian
Institute of Technology in Bangkok, aimed at
strengthening the technical knowledge of the
national and international authorities as
well as vulnerable people in the region in
order to increase their capacity to prevent,
manage and recover from the impact of a
large-scale tsunami disaster.
Visit of the Regional
Director for WHO Southeast Asia Region (June
9), Thailand
ADPC was honored to welcome Dr Samlee
Plianbangchang, Regional Director for WHO
South-East Asia Region, Dr Luis Jorge Perez
the Regional Advisor of Emergency
Humanitarian Action and Coordinator of the
Tsunami Emergency Task Force of WHO and Dr
Brian Doberstyn, WHO consultant. ADPC has
MOUs with different WHO Offices – SEARO,
WPRO and Bangkok and are partners in
delivering health related courses for
medical doctors, nurses and administrators
from member countries in Asia and the
Pacific Regions.
Workshop on Options for Urban Risk
Management (May 28), Bangladesh
A workshop was organized by Comprehensive
Disaster Management Programme (CDMP) of GOB/UNDP
in collaboration with Bangladesh Disaster
Preparedness Center and ADPC in Dhaka. The
objective of the workshop was to develop a
long-term strategy for urban risk reduction
in Bangladesh, and explore ways to link
disaster risk management with urban
development and governance. The workshop was
attended by representatives from the
relevant Ministries and agencies dealing
with disaster management.
Disaster Risk Management
Course for AIT Students (June 6-July 11)
As another concrete project in partnership
with AIT, ADPC is conducting an
institute-wide course on Disaster Risk
Management for the AIT students. The total
duration of the course is 30 hours and is
being delivered in order to integrate DRM
into the course curriculum of higher
education. Currently, there are over 100
registered students for the course.
National Consultation
Workshops under PDR-SEA Project Phase 3
(June 9-17), Cambodia, East Timor & Vietnam
The workshops, under the phase 3 of the
Partnership for Disaster Reduction Southeast
Asia (PDR-SEA) Project, will formulate
strategies to strengthen existing
partnerships and develop new ones amongst
all the relevant agencies in disaster risk
management and will also discuss the need
for and role of regional networking and
partnerships. With the inputs of multiple
stakeholders, a framework will also be
developed on institutionalizing Community
Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) in
each country.
Provincial Level Training on
Disaster Management under the Second Phase
of the TCB Project, (June 11- July 7),
Kunduz, Afghanistan
In the second round of trainings provided
under the Training and Capacity Building
Project being implemented in Afghanistan in
collaboration with InWent Germany and United
Nations Assistance Mission for Afghanistan,
provincial level courses will be conducted
in Kunduz Province in Afghanistan, on
various areas such as CBDRM, ERM, EVRC and
First National Training
Course on Management of Public Health Risks
in Disasters & Complex Emergencies (June
14-26), Jordan
ADPC in partnership with the World Health
Organization (WHO-EMRO) will be delivering a
comprehensive training course on management
of public health risk in disasters and
complex emergencies for Iraqi participants.
The training is being conducted in Amman,
Jordan and is expected to fill a gap that is
not met, by currently available
international training courses in Eastern
Mediterranean Region.
Inter-Regional Training Course on Public
Health & Emergency Management in Asia
and the Pacific. (July 4-5)
Strategic Collaborative Planning
Workshops in Cambodia, East Timor,
Indonesia, Lao PDR and Vietnam, PDR-SEA
3 Project (July 14-19)
Training Workshop on Mitigation of
Damage in Health Facilities (date to be