
July 2005-Issue 10
Dear Readers,
We are
happy to announce that India has become the
ninth country to join ADPC as a founding
member. H.E. Mr. Vivek Katju, Ambassador of
India to Thailand signed the New ADPC
Charter in a ceremony held on 7 July at ADPC.
This month we also have the great pleasure
of welcoming the new President of AIT,
Professor Said Irandoust to ADPC.
On a sad note we at
ADPC mourn the untimely demise of Col Elma
Aldea on 30 June. Col. Aldea was the
Administrator, Office of the Civil Defense (OCD),
the Philippines and was truly committed to
the important field of disaster management
not only in the Philippines but also
regionally. She was a true and highly valued
friend and partner to ADPC and supported
many of our projects and programs. We shall
all sorely miss her, both professionally and
Suvit Yodmani, Executive Director, Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center
Disaster Mitigation Public Awareness
Programs (July 7-September), Thailand
A second series of public awareness programs
on hazards, disaster prevention,
preparedness and mitigation went on air on 7
July. The series focus on floods and
landslides and will be aired twice a week on
Thailand’s popular TV Channel 3 until the
end of September. After evaluation of this
program ADPC will encourage other countries,
especially those affected by the December
26, 2004 Tsunami, to organize such a
Early Warning Systems
Assessment in Sri Lanka (July 6-14)
ADPC’s Climate Risk Management team is in
Sri Lanka on the last leg of assessment of
the national multi-hazard early warning
system. The assessment is being done in
order to identify existing gaps in the
end-to-end multi-hazard early warning
system, recommend action plans for its
improvement and to develop a program for
capacity building. The project is being
carried out with UNDPC support and in
collaboration with the Government of Sri
Institutional Landscape
Analysis in Indonesia (July 7-17)
An Institutional landscape analysis is
currently underway, under the ADPC’s Climate
Risk Management Team’s initiative to look at
the various institutions and policies
currently in place that are relevant to
climate risk management. The study will
specifically look at identifying agencies
and organizations connected with climate
problems, individual institution roles, key
decisions made, coping strategies for
responding to climate variability and
challenges for the use of climate
Regional Workshop on Bilateral and
Multilateral Arrangements for Disaster
Management and Emergency Response (June
28-29), Myanmar
ADPC participated in
the regional workshop of the ASEAN Committee
on Disaster Management held in Yangon on
28-29 June. Around 40 representatives from
the ASEAN member countries, regional
organizations, UN Agencies and ASEAN
Secretariat took part in the workshop. Key
bilateral and multilateral arrangements were
discussed and initiated.
India joins ADPC as
a founding member (July 7)
India is the ninth
country to join ADPC as the founding member
of the Center. In an official signing
ceremony held at ADPC last week, H.E. Mr.
Vivek Katju, Ambassador of India to Thailand
signed the New ADPC Charter. Earlier this
year the Thai Royal Government granted ADPC
the Inter-governmental status when 8
countries in the region endorsed their
support by signing the New ADPC Charter.
New AIT President
Visits ADPC (July 20)
Professor Said
Irandoust officially took up the Presidency
of the Asian Institute of Technology this
month. The meeting is scheduled to welcome
the President to AIT and ADPC, and to brief
him on ADPC activities and the various
collaborations between the two organizations
since ADPC’s inception in 1986.
Thirtieth Annual
Hazards Research and Applications Workshop
(July 10-13), Boulder, USA
ADPC was invited to speak at the plenary
session on Asian Tsunami: Impacts and
Sustainable Recovery, at the Annual Hazards
Research and Applications Workshop organized
by the Natural Hazards Research and
Applications Information Center, University
of Colorado. The Deputy Executive Director
represented ADPC at this international
Disaster Risk Management Course for AIT
Students (June 6-July 11) Thailand
The institute-wide
course on Disaster Risk Management for the
AIT students, which started last month, is
concluding on 11 July 2005. Around 100
students took the course, which had two
credits and ran for a total duration of the
course is 30 hours. ADPC hopes to conduct
similar courses for AIT students in the
future too.
Community-based Disaster Risk Management
Course (July 4-15), Thailand
The 13th CBDRM
training course commenced early this month.
The course is being attended by 36
participants representing a variety of NGOs,
Local and Government Agencies from over 17
countries. CBDRM is a flagship course of
ADPC, run annually with the aim of providing
an opportunity for learners to acquire tools
and obtain knowledge on how to design and
implement programs for reducing disaster
risks and vulnerability and building
community capacity and resilience.
Inter-Regional Training Course on Public
Health & Emergency Management in Asia and
the Pacific (July 4-15), Thailand
The fifth
Inter-regional Training Course on Public
Health in Emergency Management in Asia and
the Pacific (PHEMAP-5) jointly organized by
the ADPC, WHO-SEARO/WPRO and with special
participation from WHO-Eastern Mediterranean
Region (WHO-EMRO) started on July 4. The
course aims at helping countries of the
region to develop more effective policy,
procedures, plans, guidelines and standards
of best practice for health sector emergency
management. Around 28 participants coming
from over 15 countries from Central, South,
Southeast Asia, the Pacific and North
African regions are presently attending the
Regional Training
Workshop on Disaster Risk Management
Database Management (July 7-8), Thailand
A two-day regional
training workshop was organized by ADPC’s
PDRSEA-3 project to train project partners
in the different countries on the input and
management of the web-based database. These
databases will contain country-specific
information on disaster risk management with
a particular focus on community based risk
management. It will also contain information
on best practices/tools,
experts/specialists, CBDRM project
inventories, mitigation activities,
trainings, disaster management institutions,
early warning systems, CBDRM experiences and
hazard profiles. This will serve as a tool
for decision makers in governments, NGOs,
and donor sectors to facilitate and help
them develop appropriate interventions. The
program is funded by the European Union.
Climate Forecast
Application Consultation Workshop (July
18-21), Thailand
The workshop brings together implementing
partners of the climate forecast
applications program from Indonesia, the
Philippines, and Vietnam, in collaboration
with the International Research Institute
for Climate Prediction (IRI), to share
progress of program implementation and
develop next year's action plan. The program
is funded by USAID/OFDA and US NOAA.
First Course
on Teamwork for Integrated Emergency
Management, Bangkok, Thailand
Emergency Preparedness and Response (22-26