
December 2004-Issue 3
Dear Readers,
The year 2004 has been
a very eventful year for ADPC and I would
like to express my sincere gratitude and
appreciation to all ADPC’s supporters and
partners. I thank you for your interest in
our activities and projects; and will keep
you informed in the coming year. My staff
and I would like to take this opportunity to
wish you all a very good Christmas holiday
and a Happy New Year.
Suvit Yodmani, Executive Director, Asian
Disaster Preparedness Center
Assisting Victims in Typhoon
Affected Areas in The Philippines (Dec 1-15)
ADPC and Telecoms Sans Frontiersfielded a
joint teamtoprovide assistance in setting up
emergency communication centers for
thevictims of the recent typhoons in the
Meeting with Representatives
from the Ministry of Defense (Dec 15)
ADPC was invited to design a rescue
preparedness course for officials in the
Fourth Region Army and for senior officials
in the four border provinces in Southern
Thailand; in collaboration with the Ministry
of Public Health and Mongkutklao Army
The Third International
Workshop on Monsoons (IWM-III), (Nov 2-6),
ADPC, in collaboration
with the Malaysian Meteorological Service,
India Meteorological Department, and China
Meteorological Administration, presented a
paper on “Climate Information Application
for Enhancing Resilience to Climate Risks”,
at the Third International Workshop on
Monsoons in Hangzhou, China. Jointly
organized by the World Meteorological
Organization in cooperation with the China
Meteorological Administration, the National
Natural Science Foundation of China, and the
Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,
the workshop provided a forum for discussion
between researchers and forecasters on the
current status of monsoon forecasting and on
the priorities of monsoon research.
Signing of Minute of Understanding
between ADPC and the Cambodian National
Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM)
(Dec 6), Cambodia
ADPC and NCDM signed a
MOU to strengthen and institutionalize
partnership between NCDM, represented by H.E.
Nhim Vanda, Senior Minister and First Vice
President of NCDM of Cambodia, and ADPC,
represented by Dr Suvit Yodmani, Executive
Director of ADPC.
Third Meeting of the ASEAN Committee on
Disaster Managementand the First ASEAN
Ministerial Meeting on Disaster Management
(Dec 6-8),Cambodia
ADPC was invited to
attend theThird Meeting of the ASEAN
Committee on Disaster Management and the
First ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Disaster
Management. The objectives of these meetings
was to discuss preparations for the World
Disaster Reduction Conference to be
organized between 18 and 22 January 2005 in
Kobe, Japan, and to further enhance
collaborations between ASEAN Member
International Disaster Management Course
(Nov 8-26),Thailand
This three-week
course, which is held regularly, provided
comprehensive disaster management knowledge
and skills to enhance the capabilities of 25
participants from 15 countries from Asia,
who are senior/middle level policy managers,
decision-makers, at the country and regional
offices, major NGOs and government offices.
Disaster Management Workshop on
Earthquake and Landslides (Dec 6 - 12),
Organized jointly by
ADPC and the Department of Science and
Technology, India. The workshop was held at
the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology,
Dehradun, focused on improving disaster
management for earthquakes and landslides,
by enhancing links between science and
technology sectors and disaster management
organizations. The course was attended by
150 participants from various scientific,
research, and academic institutions, and
several government agencies from the state
and central government in India.
First Regional
Training Course on Management of Public
Health Risks in Disasters (MPHR -1) (Dec
6-18), Tunisia
PHE Team Leader was
invited to conduct a training course in
Public Health in Emergencies for
participants from countries in the Eastern
Mediterranean region. The course was
organized in collaboration with WHO/EMRO and
WHO/WMC, dealing with Disaster Management in
the Eastern Mediterranean, Risk management,
Mass Casualty Management pre-hospital,
Hospital Emergency Preparedness, Search and
Rescue Activities, Chemical Hazards
Management and Health Consequences of
Chemical Disasters.
Land Use Planning for Disaster Risk
Management (Dec 13 - 17), Sri Lanka
Aimed at developing a
framework to integrate generic and
hazard-specific risk management principles
into the planning and management of land
use. This course also stimulated dialogue on
ways that cities and local governments can
minimize risks in developing long-range land
use policy strategies.
2005: Evaluation workshop for Mine Risk
Education Project, Mae Hong Son
January 2005: World Conference on
Disaster Reduction, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
January- 2 February 2005: Training and
Capacity Building Project in Afghanistan