Dear Readers,
The month of July was
eventful at ADPC. Mr.
Aloysius J. Rego (Loy) was
appointed the new Deputy
Executive Director of ADPC,
approved by its Executive
Committee on 11 July 2008.
Loy’s association with ADPC
dates back to 1996. Since
then he has assumed number
of positions, roles and
responsibilities at ADPC.
Under his leadership as the
Director of the Disaster
Management Systems (DMS)
team, he has implemented
programs on mainstreaming
disaster risk reduction (DRR),
flood preparedness & risk
reduction in the Mekong
Delta provinces, community-based
DRR and the development of
governance policies, and DRM
plans in South and South
East Asia. He has been
actively involved with the
ADPC Regional Consultative
Committee (RCC) mechanism.
As ADPC looks to the future,
Loy’s appointment as Deputy
Executive Director will
strengthen ADPC to further
the growth of the Center.
ADPC signed a Memorandum of
Understanding with the World
Meteorological Organization
(WMO) on cooperation on
capacity building for
preparedness, mitigation and
early warning of natural
ADPC will facilitate
the project, ‘integration of
tsunami warning by
strengthening multi-hazard
warning systems’
Sri Lanka, Vietnam,
Indonesia and the
The project will benefit
government institutions and
institutions involved in
early warning through early
warning national forums,
strengthening multi-hazard
early warning systems in the
target countries,
strengthening field-level
capacities in translating
hazard risk information into
impact outlook and response
options, communicating these
information to communities
within a risk management
framework and testing the
functionality and
reliability of early warning
systems through system
The 17th
Regional Training Course on
Community Based Disaster
Risk Reduction took place
from the
21 July- 1 Aug in
Bangkok with
36 participants from the
region. At the opening
ceremony, the Guest of honor,
Mr. Djumantoro Purbo, Charge
d' Áffaires, Embassy of the
Republic of Indonesia
affirmed ADPC’s role in
implementing programs for
reducing disaster risks,
vulnerability and building
community capacities to
promoting and enhancing a
‘culture of safety.’ The
CBDRR course provided the
participants essential
skills and knowledge in
community-based disaster
risk management.

Participants with Dr.
Bhichit Rattakul, Executive
Director & Mr. Loy Rego,
Deputy Executive Director,
ADPC produced the document,
Guidelines for School
Disaster Safety: Towards a
Disaster Safe School-Sri
Lanka, 2008’
along with the Delhi
Disaster Management
Authority, the Sri Lankan
Disaster Management Centre,
the Education Leadership
Development Center/Meepe,
Education officers of the
Eastern Province and five
pilot schools in Colombo and
Ratnapura district.
IRIN reported Loy Rego's insight
on ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)
and its initiatives for
disaster management in "Natural
disasters spur regional
cooperation in Asia" The
recent announcement on ASEAN
nations Regional Plan for
Disaster Management
specifically focused on greater
coordination and pooling
resources to deal with
natural disasters.
Digital Review of Asia
Pacific 2007-2008 featured
an article by Mr. Frederick
John Abo, ADPC on the role
of ICTs in risk
communication in Asia
Pacific. The article
emphasized on electronic
health initiatives and the
‘last mile’ communication in
disaster warning.
The above-mentioned press
articles and the document
are available on the ADPC
website. Please browse
through our website for
more ADPC news updates,
publications, events and
training calendar for 2008.
I now inform you about our
other activities for the
month of July 2008.
Dr. Bhichit Rattakul
Executive Director
Asian Disaster Preparedness
Center |