Human Resource organizes in-house Emergency Telecommunication Course
(27-28 March)
Since 2005, the partnership
between TSF and ADPC has been very successful. Joint interventions involving
assistance and support in emergency communication, disaster damage and
need assessments and analysis in the Philippines (Quezon and Leyte),
Thailand, Indonesia and Sri Lanka were much appreciated by the local
Governments and NGO's in the respective countries. http://www.adpc.net/oed/oed_act=mar06.html
Telecom Sans Frontiers
(TSF) provided training to the ADPC staff on 27 & 28 March. The
training highlights were TSF response, generalities of volunteering
and an overview of the existing satellite technology. This was followed
by a practical session on different TSF satellite equipments:
- Satellite phone: MiniM (voice,
fax, data).
- Satellite modem: RBGan (Internet, email configuration).
- Global Positioning System, GPS.
develops training curriculum for NECTEC, Thailand (April)
ADPC will be developing the training curriculum for the National Electronics
and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), Thailand on the Emergency and
Education Communication Vehicle Project (E2CV). At NECTEC's initiative,
a vehicle has been developed to provide a high-capacity ad-hoc broadband
access satellite communication system in the event of emergencies which
can be converted to a mobile incident command center with 25 computers
and phones. The vehicles are designed for use by agencies like the DDPM
and Ministry of Education. http://www.adpc.net.html
of flood marks in Peam Chor district, Cambodia
The Department of Hydrology and River Works, in collaboration with ADPC
and Peam Chor District Committee for Disaster Management in Cambodia
will conduct a survey in the high risk (flood) villages along Tonle
Tap river in Peam Chor for installation of flood marks. The activities
under the GTZ-MRC-ADPC project "Flood Emergency Management Strengthening
(FEMS)" are expected to be completed in April 2006. http://www.adpc.net/what%20news/dmst.html
documents institutional changes (3-21 April)
ADPC's Climate Risk Management staff is on a mission to Indramayu, West
Java, Indonesia to document the institutional changes within Bureau
of Meteorology and Geophysics (BMG) as influenced by the Climate Forecast
Application (CFA) programme in Indonesia. Other activities include documenting
the climate field school - mechanisms for communicating climate information
and feedback system, impacts on farming practices, and the institutional
support from BMG, Directorate of Plant Protection, Indramayu Regency,
as well as to develop a case study on the communication and responses
to the 2003-2004 wet season forecast.
implementation of the regional multi-hazard early warning system, Vietnam
(4-7 April)
ADPC senior technical staff were on a mission to Hanoi, to finalize
the MoU with the Government of Vietnam, represented by the Ministry
of Natural Resources and Environment, on establishing the regional multi-hazard
early warning system, and to discuss specific activities for initial
implementation. Meetings were also held with the Hydro-Meteorological
Service (HMS) of Vietnam, the focal point of the new
Danida-supported program on Enhancing Community Resilience to Natural
Hazards in Southeast Asia, to brief and engage them in the program.
The Royal Danish Embassy in Vietnam has supported linking the program
with the ongoing Danida-supported projects in coastal areas in Vietnam.
Climate Risk Management (CRM) in Jiangxi Province, China (4-9 April)
ADPC technical staff were on mission to Jiangxi Province, China to explore
and discuss the possibility of developing CRM project with the leaders
of the provincial department of Agriculture and Meterological bureau
and provincial MRL (Mountain, River, Lake) development office. http://www.adpc.net/training/te.html
Impact and Needs Assessment Mission to Timor Leste (5-7 April)
Organized by ADPC and UNESCAP, this mission reviewed the contributions
made by PDRSEA 3 to Timor Leste. The mission also helped facilitate
understanding the needs and expectations of the various stakeholders;
and to get their feedback and inputs on the needs that can be addressed
in the fourth phase of the PDRSEA. http://www.adpc.net/projects/cbdrm.html
signs MoU with the Government of the Philippines (11-12 April)
Senior ADPC officials will be on a mission to Manila, Philippines to
finalize the MoU with the Government of the Philippines, represented
by the Philippine Institute for Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS),
on establishing the regional multi-hazard early warning system, and
discuss specific activities for initial implementation. http://www.adpc.net/crm/crm.html
finalizes MoU with Maldives (13-18 April)
Mr. A.R. Subbiah, CRM's Director will be on a mission to Maldives to
finalize the MoU with the Government of the Maldives, represented by
the Department of Meteorology, on establishing the national multi-hazard
early warning system, and discuss specific activities for initial implementation,
particularly the ISDR-supported workshop on communicating early warning.
Planning Meeting (17-20 April)
Under the PROMISE project, a Project Planning Meeting is being organized
from 17-20 April in Pakistan to discuss project activities in the selected
areas in Hyderabad, Pakistan and to finalize the proposal. An institutional
assessment will also be conducted on Aga Khan Planning and Building
Service in Pakistan (AKPBSP) - PROMISE Pakistan project partner and
a field visit is also planned to the project demonstration city. Due
to the 2005 earthquake in Pakistan, the project implementation is delayed
and the project proposal is still being formulated and will be finalized
in the Project Planning Meeting. The project is being implemented with
funding support from USAID/OFDA. http://www.adpc.net/projects/cbdrm.html
to assist US Forest Services (21 April - 2 May)
ADPC senior officials will be on mission to Colombo, Sri Lanka under
the USAID-supported Indian Ocean Tsunami Early Warning System (IOTEWS)
program to organize and assist the US Forest Service in the following
activities related to the integration of Incident Command System (ICS)
into Sri Lanka's disaster management system:
*22 April: ICS overview for senior government officials
*24-28 April: Basic/ Intermediate ICS Training
*29 April: ICS adaptation to the Sri Lankan context
*1-2 May: Coordination for study tour on disaster management in the
At the invitation of the UNESCO/IOC
and the UN ISDR, ADPC's coordinator for regional Tsunami and multi-hazard
early warning system for SE Asia and the Indian Ocean participated in
the Early Warning Conference III in Bonn, Germany, 27-29 March. The
meeting was successful in achieving its goals.
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