The Canadian Ambassador's
visit (11 May)
Dr. Suvit Yodmani welcomed
H.E. Mr. Denis Comeau, Canadian Ambassador to Thailand on his visit
to the ADPC office. The visit provided an opportunity to brief H.E Mr.
Comeau on ADPC's activities and involvement in the region. The meeting
further enhanced the on-going partnership and collaboration between
the Canadian Government and ADPC.
International Symposium
on Building and Synergizing Partnership for Global Human Security and
Development, Bangkok (30-31 May)
ADPC's Public Health in Emergencies (PHE), Team Leader, Mr. Jonathan
Abrahams and the Information & Knowledge Management Coordinator
attended the Human Security Network's International Symposium on Building
and Synergizing Partnership for Global Human Security and Development.
The symposium was organized by Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Thailand.
The meeting was in preparation for the 8th Ministerial meeting on 1
& 2 June, which Dr. Suvit Yodmani, Executive Director of ADPC attended
as observer.
Strategic National Action
Plan (SNAP) for Disaster Risk Reduction, Bangkok (30 May)
ADPC's director of Finance, Monitoring & Evaluation, Mr. Tay Boon
Tiong represented ADPC to attend the Strategic National Action Plan
(SNAP) for Disaster Risk Reduction at the office of the Disaster Prevention
and Mitigation (DDPM), Bangkok.
Flood Forecast Technology
for Disaster Preparedness, Bangladesh (31 May-12 June)
A senior representative from ADPC's Climate Risk Management (CRM) team
is in Bangladesh to conduct various start-up activities for the implementation
of the Flood Forecast Technology for Disaster Preparedness, also known
as the Climate Forecast Applications in Bangladesh 2. The activities
are funded by USAID/CARE Bangladesh. In addition, meetings with various
project stakeholders, including the Center for Environmental and Geographic
Information Services (CEGIS), Institute of Water Modeling (IWM), Flood
Forecasting and Warning Center (FFWC), and Bangladesh Meteorological
Department (BMD) are also planned. Field visits are scheduled to select
the demonstration site. This project is aimed at developing climate
and flood forecast models that add predictive skills to the current
forecast system. The project will also strengthen the technical capacity
of relevant institutions to operate an end-to-end climate/flood forecasting
and application system.
ADPC conducts Evaluation
of Prevention and Mitigation Plan, Bangkok (1 June)
At the request of the Thai Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
(DDPM), a Senior Technical Manager from ADPC's Public Health in Emergencies
(PHE) assisted and helped to conduct a review of the Prevention and
Mitigation Plan for Transportation and Communication in Udon Thani province.
Regional Workshop on Educational Materials, Bangkok (1 June)
ADPC in partnership with UNESCO, Bangkok organized the regional workshop
on Educational Materials for "Education for Natural Disaster Preparedness
in Asia-Pacific in the context of Education for Sustainable Development
(ESD)". The workshop provided a forum to share invaluable insights
of natural disaster preparedness and mitigation at national and regional
levels and to maximize the synergies as well as strengthen the network
between ESD practitioners and stakeholders in profiling Education for
Natural Disaster Preparedness.
Pakistan Ambassador visits
ADPC (2 June)
Dr. Suvit Yodmani welcomed H.E. Lieutenant-General (Ret.) Khateer Hasan
Khan, Ambassador of Pakistan to Thailand, during his orientation briefing
at ADPC. H.E is a member of the ADPC Board of Trustees. The visit provided
an opportunity to brief H.E on ADPC's activities and involvement in
the region, particularly in Pakistan. The meeting further enhanced the
on-going partnership and collaboration between the Government of Pakistan
and ADPC. Pakistan is a signatory to the new Charter of ADPC, signed
in February 2005, recognizing ADPC as an international organisation.
ADPC held discussion with
National Hydro-Meteorological Service (NHMS), Vietnam, (7-9 June)
A delegation from ADPC led by A.R. Subbiah, Director of ADPC's Climate
Risk Management (CRM) team was on a mission to Hanoi, Vietnam to hold
discussions with the National Hydro-Meteorological Service (NHMS), the
primary project implementing partner for the Climate Forecast Applications
for Disaster Mitigation and Enhancing Community Resilience to Natural
Disasters in Southeast Asia projects. The projects are funded by US
National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and DANIDA, respectively.
The mission laid the foundations for further work in the demonstration
sites, including coastal survey, vulnerability to climate risk analysis,
and institutional landscaping. A MoU between Vietnam and ADPC on Climate
Forecast Application was signed on 7 June.
ADPC held meeting with teachers,
Mae Hong Son, (8-9 June)
ADPC through its Mine Risk Education (MRE) Project met consultants and
teachers from schools located in mine risk areas in Mae Hong Son Province.
The meeting was to enhance collaboration with potential partners, Government
agencies and NGOs, like the Provincial Education Office, Thailand Mine
Action Center (TMAC), Humanitarian Mine Action Unit, Border Patrol Police
unit, Thailand Campaign to Ban Landmines (TCBL). The project will also
organize Camping Programmes for students in July and September 2006.
The project is supported by UNICEF, Thailand.
Mission to Da Nang, Vietnam
(12-15 June)
A senior representative from ADPC's Urban Development Risk Management
(UDRM) team will visit Da Nang, Vietnam to provide technical assistance
to the Canadian Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI).
Technical assistance will be provided on: (1) the preparation of a case
study of the impacts of land use planning by Da Nang city government
upon the flooding risk and overall coastal management in Cam Le, Da
Nang; and (2) the development of a coastal management geographic information
system (GIS) for monitoring flooding risk and land use. CECI is ADPC's
partner in the Program for Hydro-meteorological Disaster Mitigation
in Secondary Cities in Asia (PROMISE). A presentation about PROMISE
during the Inception Workshop on 15 June is also planned by CECI.
Country visit to the Philippines
(19-23 June)
The Disaster Management Systems (DMS) team will be visiting the Philippines
to initiate the project supported by ISDR on Mainstreaming Disaster
Risk Reduction into the Infrastructure sector.
ADPC makes presentation on Integrated Command System (ICS) to the
Sri Lankan Government, (26 June)
Senior representative from ADPC's Climate Risk Management team together
with representatives from the US Forest Service (USFS) will be on a
mission to make presentations on the Integrated Command System (ICS)
at the Sri Lankan Government officials' meeting. They will brief officials
about the upcoming development of a senior leadership seminar, which
will be designed to ensure extensive understanding of ICS concepts for
the officials. In addition, the team will brief ICS study tour participants
about their upcoming training program in the United States.
ADPC assesses Warning Information
Flow, Yangoon, Myanmar (26 June-1 July)
Mr. A.R. Subbiah, Director with a senior technical expert of ADPC's
Climate Risk Management (CRM) team will be on a mission to Yangoon,
Myanmar to assess the warning information flow and institutions involved.
The result of this assessment will serve as primary inputs to the national
workshop on communicating risks which will be organized by ADPC in collaboration
with the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH).
Regional Consultation on
Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR): From Lessons to Action, Bali,
Indonesia, (27-29 June)
Dr. Suvit Yodmani and ADPC's Public Health in Emergencies (PHE), Team
Leader, Mr. Jonathan Abrahams will attend the Regional Consultation.
ADPC develops a guide for
planning and action to address coastal hazards (June-July 2006)
In collaboration with professionals from US National Oceanic Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), University of Rhode Island (URI), Tetra Tech
and country coordinators, a senior technical expert of ADPC's Climate
Risk Management (CRM) team will lead the toolbox development of the
"Coastal Community Resilience Guidebook"- a guide for planning
and action to address tsunami and other coastal hazards. The development
of this guidebook is part of the Coastal Community Resilience (CCR)
program of US Government Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System (IOTWS).
In support of the IOTWS Program Integrator, ADPC will be engaging the
country coordinators and partners in the overall development of the
CCR program at regional and national levels.
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